Contributing to the Profession

Helpful Resources


Career Cafe  

Education Oasis 

As a teacher, I am always trying to learn and look for answers to my questions. Edutopia is a great resource to have available. It provides a wide variety of blogs and articles that can be beneficial and helpful. I have learned several things from the articles and blogs I have read on this site.


As an Education Specialist, I assist my students in transitioning from high school to their post-secondary goals. Many of my students are unsure of what they would like to do when they grow up, so we spend time taking interest inventory surveys, discussing likes/dislikes, and researching careers. One of the resources I have used this year to assist my students in researching what they would like to do is Career Cafe. Career Cafe is a great resource that provides information on career areas, success tips, where to start, where to get experience, etc. Many of my students have found it beneficial as well. 

Quite often, my students struggle with organizing their thoughts or getting their thoughts from their heads to their papers. I started off creating my own outlines, mind maps, and graphic organizers, however, they would never print correctly. I started using Education Oasis Graphic Organizers this year to save time and frustration. I can usually find a graphic organizer that fits the needs of my students and can be easily and quickly printed. These graphic organizers can be used for any grade level and modified if you can't find exactly what you are looking for.


Other Resources:

I created a teacher input form that I use regularly to get feedback on progress towards Annual IEP Goals. I found that the Google Form was a quick and efficient way to get the annual feedback since the teachers could easily type the information in the form. 

Teach Input Google Form PDF

I also made copies of all of the curated resources CTI provided so that I can look back on them as a resource. I also kept the ones from last year. These have all been helpful tools throughout the last 2 years.